Scott is 45 and is a regular patient of your practice. He is generally well and has been thinking about stop smoking for some time. Now that his wife has become pregnant, he came in wondering about Champix. You will do all the following except :
1. Give him a script of Champix
2. Refer him to Quitline
3. Assess nicotine dependence
4. Discuss health risks associated with smoking
5. Offer him regular follow up appointments
Scott is 45 and a regular patient of your practice. He is generally well, and comes in for minor ailments only. Today he has come in for what seems to be a viral induced upper respiratory infection. You decide to take the opportunity to explore his smoking habit. How do you approach such opportunity? List up to 5 elements of your strategy.
Ask- quantity and duration of smoking - pack year
Assess- readiness and reasons
Advice- to quit. In a non-confrontational way. Advice should be clear and unambiguous, and should include positives before negatives, such as, heath and financial benefits, followed by health hazards ( health benefits and health hazards)
Assist- quite line, handouts etc
Arrange- follow ups
A. Assessment of pack year
B. Brief counseling
C. Motivational interviewing
D. Self-help material
E. Discuss health benefits
F. Discuss health hazards
G. Commence nicotine replacement therapy
H. Commence Verenicline
I. Assessment of readiness
J. SNAP assessment
K. Non pharmacological assistance
L. Pharmacological assistance
M. Arrange further review
For each of the following scenarios, select the best course of action from the options given .
1. Tom has unsuccessfully given up smoking on two occasions. He now seek your advice.
2. An obese truck driver presents for repeat scripts for blood pressure. You notice nicotine stain on finger and a strong smell of cigarette.
3. 85 year old lady long smoker presents for a 'routine 3-monthly' checkup.
4. Dorothy is 70 and smoked most of her life. She has now decided to quit and has heard about the efficacy of 'tablet that help smokers' quit.