ANDROLOGY / Men's health Great for OSCE but also good articles for KFP and patient education etc
RESPIRATORY 1.The quick reference guide for asthma from asthma handbook is a summary and its amazing. 2. Chronic Airway Limitation / COPD 3. Interpretation of Chest X ray- several educational videos from Strong Medicine Asthma
Diagnostic testing of patients with asthma is enhanced by the use of spirometry which can be easily performed in the general practice by either yourself or a practice nurse. Tests, particularly those performed in the clinic, can be very reassuring for patients. They provide an ideal opportunity to document, review progress and reinforce your management plan. National Asthma Council Australia. Asthma and Lung Function Tests. Melbourne, National Asthma Council Australia, 2012. And Spirometry-Australian Family Physician are good articles for understanding spirometry |
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE Kidney Health Australia has given a long term commitment to families and children affected by kidney disease, but the biggest challenge remains for us to reach those two million Australians who do not know they have early kidney damage NEUROLOGY Headache : Approach to acute headache Migraine : Management of Chronic headache ; Medications for Migraine Prophylaxis OTHER SITES FOR GENERAL MEDICINE: Australian Family Physician Medscape from WebMD offers specialists, primary care physicians, and other health professionals the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and educational tools. After a simple, 1-time, free registration, Medscape from WebMD automatically delivers to you a personalized specialty site that best fits your registration profile. HANDI guidelines put out by RACGP which provide non-medication, conservative management of some common medical issues. RACGP likes using its own resources for exams so take a look at these, esp for OSCE: The Handbook of Non-Drug interventions (HANDI) in the RACGP website is making effective non-drug treatments more visible and easier to use. HANDI aims to make ‘prescribing’ a non-drug therapy almost as easy as writing a prescription. The topics in HANDI have been developed by the HANDI Project team and is supported by appropriate evidence. GP Online for Red flag symptoms for GPs: This website provides quick summaries of alert signs and symptoms that indicate a more serious underlying pathology. Look out for the red flag symptoms of back and neck pain, chest pain, headaches and other common presentations in primary care. Establishing the presence of any red flags will inform your management and whether an urgent referral is required. A great YouTube video on how to read audiograms: Australian Prescriber is a free, independent publication providing readily accessible information about drugs and therapeutics, published by NPS MedicineWise. It covers topics for health professionals, students and consumers ThinkGP NEWS AND EDUCATION FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. It has some great videos on topics…especially watch their chronic kidney disease teaching session. The Better Health Channel (BHC) provides health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date, easy to understand, regularly reviewed and locally relevant. BHC does not have any advertising or sponsorship and is fully funded by the State Government of Victoria (Australia): "Great for OSCE where you have to explain a disease and management to a patient" "How to treat" Australian doctor is committed to inform, educate and engage Australian GPs about all aspects of their professional lives, foster the GP community, lead discussion and work for a strong general practice.. Free registration for Australian doctors. Look under the education tab: Physical Examination A comprehensive physical examination and clinical education site for medical students and other health care professionals is available at University of California website Good for OSCE examination. Physical therapy videos for common injuries and syndromes will help put you on the road to recovery. This website is great patient education tool, but also good to understand the basics of non pharmacological aspect of sport injuries. RACGP clinical guidelines: Please note that you need to learn SNAP guidelines and let it roll off the tongue with every case you see do etc. You also need to have a look at the red book and know what screening needs to be done for whom and when. ATSI guidelines: Murtagh flashcards: |